Thursday, October 29, 2009

Cash Register?

Does anyone know where i can find a cash register for uner 300 dollars? My wife has been wanting one for a long time, and i told her that i could get her one for Christmas if i could find one. She said thats all she wanted, and if she couldn%26#039;t get it, then she didn%26#039;t want anything else. I want a Playstation 2 or 3, whichever one for Christmas, but if i get it with my own money, then i will feel guilty for not getting her anything. Please help

Cash Register?title loans


Cash Register? loan

Why does your wife want a cash register?|||what does she need a cash register for? does she have a lot of money that she needs to store?|||I wanted to say ebay first!|||Why wouldn%26#039;t ur wife buy u anything? And why does she want a cash register? R U 2 crazy?|||try office depot and office max. Why are you going to spend around 600 for a ps3 and only 300 on your wife??

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