I am thinking of buying a computer, the deal being have 12 months to pay it off, and my aunt offered to contribute what she called a %26quot; 600 cash infusion.%26quot; I was to shy to ask and just accepted but what does a %26quot;$600 cash infusion%26quot; mean? I just figured she meant give me $600...
What%26#039;s a cash infusion?cash-advance
It means she will just give you the cash.
What%26#039;s a cash infusion? loan
Look up the word %26#039;infusion%26#039;. Hint INfusion|||It%26#039;s like a blood transfusion except she is going to give you cash to put down on your computer. If she used the word contribute I would assume that it is not a loan that you will have to pay back. Of course don%26#039;t ever forget her on birthdays, xmas and other special occasions because the next contribution might be a 1200 cash infusion towards that new car.
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